Upcoming Christmas events in date order:
If you have a Christmas event in Callington or around Callington add it in to the comment section and I will update this page.
Jump to date: 27th November , 28th November , 29th November , 30th November , 1st December , 5th December , 6th December , 7th December , 14th December, 15th December, 20th December , 22nd December, 23rd December , 24th December
Thursday 14th November

Thursday 28th November
Christmas shopping evening @ Louis Tea Rooms

Friday 29th November
Craft Fair South hill, Free toy swap & Lions Christmas Bingo

Saturday 30th November
Christmas Fayre, Christmas bingo & Kelliwik Golowi
Kelliwik Golowi
visit the Facebook page for the latest updates
Sunday 1st December
Callington Community Choir
Thursday 5th December
Festive Wreath workshop
See Facebook for details
Friday 6th December
Christmas tree festival
The Christmas tree festival will be taking place in St.Marys church, starting on 6th of December until 20th of December with entertainment on the 6th. Entertainment including Callington Town band, local schools, St.Marys choir & Callington CADS
Saturday 7th December
Christmas Floral Demonstration
Christmas craft market
In Callington Town Hall with Santa in his grotto. 10am untill 2pm, run by Callington Town Council. For details see website or call (01579) 384039
Light switch on
The Christmas light switch on starts at 4.00 on the Town square, Santa will be arriving on this sleigh to help turn on the lights (5.00Pm) After this, visit the Christmas market taking place in the pannier market and also see the Christmas tree festival which is inside St.Marys church. (See above for details)
Christmas market
The Christmas market will be in the pannier market as usual. The market starts at 3.30 and runs untill 7.30pm.
See this Facebook events page for updates
Thursday 12th December
Friday 13th December
Saturday 14th December
Wreath Workshop, St.Mary’s Church
Santa VS the people
“I swear to ell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!” Sants, probably.Santa has been put on trial for the crime of global warming as Jeff Bezos and his merry gang of Christmas thieves stand against him. Without being able to prove he is innocent, Amazon Prime may take over Christmas …. Forever!
Witness the most hilarious courtroom drama unfold at OMF Theatre’s ‘Santa Vs the People’. This production will be performed on stage as a radio play
Sunday 15th December
Tuesday 17th December
Carols By Candlelight, St.Sampson’s Church
Friday 20th December
Callington Christmas party
Taking place in Callington Town Hall, Tickets from Lost Surfers Cafe, Pannier market
see the Facebook events page for the latest updates
Sunday 22nd December
Carols By Candlelight, St.Mary’s Church & traditional carol service, Callington Methodist church
Monday 23rd December
Christmas Activity Afternoon
Tuesday 24th December
Jump to date: 27th November , 28th November , 29th November , 30th November , 1st December , 5th December , 6th December , 7th December , 14th December, 15th December, 20th December , 22nd December, 23rd December , 24th December
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#creepyshed news 2022 2023 2024 2025 birthday CADS callington Callington town hall Christmas Cornwall creepyshed devon Disco drama Empower: a Cinderella Story events gifts Glow party Gorsedh Halloween hd sound and lighting Honey fair karaoke Kids Lamerton Lamerton village hall lighting live Moorland Hotel Oz the Musical PANTOMIME party Prim-Raf red & black club reviews shed show Snowenna and the Seven Piskies South hill parish hall tavistock theatre Vocal Footprint CIC Performing Arts School Vocal Footprint Drama Club Wedding
Recycling for Charity project Toys Swap….
Drop off some plastic takeaway containers and takeaway some toys and games.
Thursday November 14th
2:30 – 4:30pm
at The Parish Hall UPTON CROSS