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Lighting control

One of my favourite programs to use for lighting control has to be QLC+. This DMX control software is packed with features and I have used it on lots of shows now and I am still finding new features along the way.

With QLC+ you have the ability to run a small show with only a few fixtures to massive show with multiple universes. As will all DMX control software there is a learning curve as all of these programs work a little differently, but the program is broken down in to simple pages for the basic functions such as individual tabs for fixtures, simple desk, inputs & outputs, and the the best most useful page is the virtual console page.

This visual console page is completely customizable to your needs, and all functions, scenes, etc. can be control from here. And as an added bonus the virtual console is available over http, put simply this means you can control your show away from you desk on another computer, phone or tablet.

As well as the http gui control you can also control the software via midi, osc, or other standalone hardware and software via the input/output tab.

QLC+ has a good userbase, with a forum and lots of videos on YouTube to help you get started. The online help pages are also a great way to get started.

And This software is free, it has to be the best free software for DMX, and probably better than a lot of the paid options.

At the moment I am using Version 4 which is the most stable version of the software, which can be download from: https://qlcplus.org/download

and the user manual is here:


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